Maintain Technical Settings
Step type: Complex user interface.
Step description: This step allows you to review and change the automatically derived execution strategy for the data transformation in SAP tables. Among others, you can customize the following parameters here.
Parallel read setup: Splits bigger tables into DTS partitions
NZD processing: Available only for some scenarios
Selection mode: Specifies how data is selected during data read tasks
Insertion mode: Specifies how data is inserted during insertion tasks
Detailed functions: After you execute the step, a selection screen to restrict the displayed tables appears. The following selection parameters are available:
Table name: Select option for the table name.
Display only active: Default setting. Shows only active tables.
Display only inactive: Shows only inactive tables.
Display all: Shows both active and inactive tables.
Client dependency (available for certain scenarios only):
Display all: Default setting. If selected, the tables are not restricted by client dependency.
Client dependent: Shows only tables with the client (MANDT) field.
Client independent: Shows only tables without the client (MANDT) field.
After you click Execute, the list of selected tables is shown in an ALV grid.
Legend for the columns:
(B) = Field is a button with a function
(E) = Field is editable
(G) = Impacts the program generation
(S) = Impacts the DTS transfer structure (must be saved again)
(T) = Impacts the DTS tasks (must be regenerated in case of change)
The ALV grid contains the following columns:
Table name: Table from the scope of the transformation.
Active: Flag indicating whether the table is active, i.e. used for transformation processing.
Table category: Technical category of the table.
Pool/cluster name: Name of the corresponding table pool/cluster.
Transfer structure editor (B)(S): Button that displays a screen to define and review the virtual fields of the DTS transfer structure. For more information, see the chapter DTS Transfer Structure Editor.
Parallel read (B): Button that opens a pop-up to customize the parallel read. For more information, see the chapter DTS Parallel Read Maintenance. The mouse-over function shows the number of built partitions.
Shadow parallel read (B): Button that opens the parallelization setup for the delta tasks. This column is available for NZD-like scenarios. For more information, see the chapter DTS Parallel Read Maintenance.
Delta mode (E)(G)(T): Relevant for NZD scenarios. The following options are supported:
No delta: The table is processed fully in the downtime.
DB triggers: The table is processed in NZD mode, in which the delta is collected by database triggers.
BW request: The table is processed in NZD mode, in which the delta is collected by the processed request.
NOTE For mass update (see the ALV toolbar button below), use the following values:
<no value>: Sets the NZD processing based on the DB trigger
NO_DELTA: Removes the table from the NZD processing
BWREQ: Sets the NZD processing based on the BW request
Client-specific: Flag indicating whether the table has the client (MANDT) field as the first key field.
Number of records: Row count in the table. It is calculated during the last execution of the task Count entries of database tables.
Number of records in other clients: Shows the number of records in other clients. This is calculated together with the Number of records value.
Size in kB: Table size from the statistics on the database.
Package size (E)(G): Size of the transformation package in MB. The default value for the package size is 50 MB. According to this value, the number of lines is calculated based on the table width.
WARNING Changing this parameter might influence the execution performance. -
Key change: Flag indicating that insertion tasks do make changes to the table key. This is relevant for tables with a conversion rule – mainly for the Conversion scenario. The key change conversion requires the deletion of relevant data. Therefore, the tables with this flag will have deletion tasks generated for the relevant scenarios.
No primary index: Flag indicating that the table has no primary index built on the database. This is mainly the case for some tables on a HANA database, but also for BW systems. If checked, we recommend using the Drop-insert flag (see below), especially for DTS rules, with a possible merge of records on the table key field(s). For more information, see the chapter Mapping-based Rule.
Unique index change: Flag indicating that there is a secondary database index with the unique data flag.
Select mode (E)(G): Editable only for some scenarios. Allows you to choose how the data is selected in the read phase. For more information, see the chapter DTS Selection Modes.
WARNING Changing this parameter might lead to worse performance. Therefore, only change this parameter if you have extensive DTS and SAP knowledge. -
Insert mode (E)(G): Allows you to choose how the data is inserted. For more information, see the chapter DTS Insertion Modes.
WARNING Changing this parameter might lead to worse performance. Therefore, only change this parameter if you have extensive DTS and SAP knowledge. -
Delta insert mode (E)(G): This column is available in scenarios with NZD. It allows you to choose how the data is inserted during the delta task processing. Three options are available:
Mass Insert (MI): Sets the processing to tables without a primary key by default.
Mass Modify (MM): Sets the processing to tables with a primary key by default.
Same as initial load: Initial value. In this case, the delta insertion is performed with the same mode as the initial load tasks. If this option is displayed, the setup was not executed correctly. You must execute the step Analyze technical settings of tables again.
The default values are set by the step Analyze technical settings of tables. Changing the insert mode values might lead to incorrect results and worse performance. For more information, see the chapter DTS Insertion Modes.
Use drop-insert (E)(G)(T)(S): Indicates whether the table will be processed in drop-insert mode. For more information, see the chapter DTS Drop-Insert Mode.
Use view (E)(G)(S): Flag indicating that the table will be updated via a view. You can do so for performance optimization purposes. Only non-key field changes can be marked with this flag. To generate the view, you must execute the step Generate views for update.
View name: Name of the used view. If empty, the step Generate views for update has not been executed for the table.
Field mapping (E)(G)(B)(S): Relevant for the migration. The structure on the source and target systems might differ. After clicking this button, you can define the mapping between a table field on the source system and a table field on the target system.
Read only used fields (E)(G)(S): Relevant for the deletion. If selected, the read task selects the fields defined in the table pool and the key fields. This improves the performance of the read task execution. You cannot combine this option with drop-insert mode.
Packages per partition (E): Number of partitions generated within one beam, deletion or conversion task.
Cluster table (E): Name of the DTS cluster that is used to save the data. For more information, see the chapter Assign Tables to Clusters.
Package size for input table (E)(G): Relevant for preselection and read tasks with the selection mode FOR ALL ENTRIES cursor. The size is specified in terms of the number of records in the DTS business object table. This size is used in the read tasks to select data in packages within the SELECT statement. This makes sense for tables where the selection mode JOIN cursor cannot be used – typically data cluster tables.
The toolbar provides the following functions:
Save (Ctrl+S): Performs consistency checks and saves your changes.
Edit/display (Ctrl+F1): Switches between edit mode and display mode.
The ALV grid toolbar provides the following functions:
Mass update: For information about the mass update function, see the chapter Performing Mass Changes in the DTS Setup Maintenance.
Number of tables: Shows a pop-up with the number of tables available for ALV processing. Not all tables must be visible. The count considers only the initial selection. The ALV filter is not considered.
The other functions are standard ALV grid functions.