Maintain Rules and Business Objects Assignments

Step type: Complex user interface.

Step description: This step allows you to make manual changes to assignments of DTS rules and DTS business objects to table fields. The automatically generated assignments should be reviewed here. By default, only the active tables are displayed. All errors or proposal statements must be resolved before further processing.

Detailed functions: The initial screen allows you to restrict the displayed tables based on the following parameters:

  • Table name: Select option at the table name level.

  • Field name: Select option at the field name level.

  • Rule/business object: Select option at the assigned rule or business object level.

  • Status: Option to filter by assignment status. For more information, see the chapter DTS Assignment Statuses.

  • Only unresolved tables: Option to restrict the displayed tables that have at least one assignment with the status New, Error or Proposal. If enabled, filtering by individual statuses is not allowed.

    NOTE All other status assignments for unresolved tables are displayed as well, unless further restrictions are set by the parameters above.


After you click Execute, an ALV grid with the following columns appears:

NOTE The detailed functions are described below.
  • Active: Flag indicating if the table is active for further processing.

  • Status: Icon showing the consistency of the assignment. For more information, see the chapter DTS Assignment Statuses.

  • Table name: Name of the table.

  • Field name: Name of the field. When the field is filtered by a business object, the field name is not editable. For more information, see the chapter Extending the Scope Manually.

  • Rule/business object: Name of the DTS rule or name of the filtering DTS business object. For more information, see the chapter DTS Assignment Logic.

  • Object detailed type: Indicates if the previous field is a DTS business object or a DTS rule.

  • Field mapping: Indicates if any dependent fields (compounding objects included) need to be assigned:

    • Broken chain: Indicates a missing assignment of the dependent objects (compounding objects included).

    • Connected chain: Indicates either that no dependencies exist or that all dependent fields have already been assigned to all dependent business objects.

  • Object usage: Shows the usage of the DTS rules. If a business object is filled in the Rule/Business object column, the Filtering only option is selected.

  • Group: Sets whether a union or an intersection is set for the processing. For more information, see the chapter DTS Assignment Logic.

  • Initial values: Specifies whether initial field values are considered for processing.

  • Aggregation function: Specifies the aggregation behavior for the numerical fields in case of a record merge scenario. The following aggregation functions are supported:

    • SUM: Values are summed together.

    • MIN: Lower values overwrite the existing ones.

    • MAX: Higher values overwrite the existing ones.

  • Log conversion: Editable for the Conversion scenario only. If selected, every changed value is logged. You can view the logged values in transaction /DVD/ERP_CONVLOG. For more information, see the chapter Logging the Changes in the Conversion.

  • Business object: Name of the business object used for the assignment. For a rule, it is the business object connected to the rule. For a filtering business object, it is the same value.

  • Edit comment: Button to edit the comment field.

  • Comment: Short text describing the assignment.

The toolbar provides the following functions:

  • Save (Ctrl+S): Performs consistency checks and saves your changes.

  • Edit/display (Ctrl+F1): Switches between edit mode and display mode.

  • Mark as done (Shift+F1): Specifies that the scope setup is finished for this activity and that no further changes are expected. It also disables edit mode.

  • Setup > Undo mark as done: Reverses the Mark as done function.

  • Setup > Expert mode: Enables expert mode, in which all consistency checks are disabled. This is used only for content build purposes. Do not use this function in customer projects.

The ALV grid toolbar provides the following functions. Note that some functions are only visible in edit mode:

  • Check assignment(s): Checks the assignment consistency.

  • Accept proposal: Button to accept the proposal made by the table pool builder. This button is applicable only to the status Proposal of the assignment and covers the following cases:

    • One or more assignments can be selected to accept the proposal.

    • Non-selected assignments with the status Proposal are automatically set to the status Ignore.

    • The consistency check is performed on the accepted assignments.

    WARNING If you accept more than one table at once, pay close attention to your actions, because the risk of making manual selection mistakes is higher.
  • Toggle ignore status: Sets or unsets the manual ignore status of the assignment.

  • Filter active: Shows only active tables. By default, only active tables are displayed.

  • Delete filter: Shows inactive tables too.

  • Count rows: Button to show how many records have been loaded into the ALV grid in the current view.

  • Conversion test: Button to test the DTS rule assigned to the table that is selected in the ALV grid. Only active rules are tested.

  • The other functions are standard ALV grid functions.