Import Setup from Another DTS Run ID or Content Package
Step type: Simple user interface.
Step description: This step allows you to import the setup of another DTS run ID. The setup can be imported either from a ZIP file or from another run ID within the same system.
Detailed functions: The following options are available:
Import from file: Allows you to import the run ID setup from local files in ZIP format.
Import from run ID: Allows you to import the run ID setup from another run ID within the same SAP system.
By default, the following setup is copied over:
DTS business objects
DTS transformation rules and their assignments to tables and fields
DTS derivation paths and their assignments to tables and fields
DTS table pool
Optional import settings:
Import parallelization setup: Keeps the parallel read setup of the source run ID. If not selected, no parallel reading is set up.
Import preselection statuses: Keeps the statistics and statuses of the preselection tasks if they have been downloaded.
Import transformation statuses: Keeps the statistics and statuses of the execution tasks if they have been downloaded.
Import manual business objects: Uploads all inputs of business objects marked with the manual input flag. This mainly concerns mappings and the initialization of a derivation (e.g. list of company codes).
Do not reset tech. settings: Keeps the technical settings (the execution strategy) defined in the target run ID.