Generate Tasks for Parallel Derivation Builder

Step type: Simple user interface.

Step description: This step generates tasks for building the partitioning of derivation tasks. You can parallelize derivation tasks to split the execution of the derivation into multiple background processes in order to speed up the overall execution.

After you click Execute, a selection screen to customize the task generation appears:

  • Derivation path: Restricts the derivation paths for which the parallel derivation tasks are generated.

  • Delete options: For more information, see the chapter DTS Processing Options.

    Update path partitioning: If you select Setup parallelization, the already executed preselection is analyzed for a duration longer than that defined in the parameter Max runtime threshold (seconds). If the program identifies a path running longer than the defined time, it is parallelized with the default options to build 10 partitions and uses the preselection results of the input object.