Generate Preselection Tasks

Step type: Simple user interface.

Step description: This step generates all tasks that are required to execute the preselection with their respective input and output tables. The preselection is built by two tasks:

The consolidation task or derivation task might be split into multiple tasks by partitioning. For more information, see the steps Setup parallelization for derivation tasks and Setup parallelization for consolidation tasks.

NOTE For the DB2/4/6 databases all generated tables have append mode set to ON. This option will optimize the performance of inserting rows into tables.

Detailed functions: The following parameters are available:

  • Generate variants (reports): If enabled, the ABAP programs for processing ABAP-based derivation paths are generated. If disabled, the ABAP generation is skipped. This can help to save some time when generating the tasks.

  • Deletion options:

    • Update tasks (add new, remove obsolete): Keeps the existing tasks generated and generates only new tasks. If a derivation path has been removed from a business object input, the respective derivation task is also removed. Similarly, if a whole business object has been removed from the preselection, all derivation tasks and the consolidation task are also removed.

      • Automatically reset required tasks: If enabled, the following existing tasks are reset:

        • Derivation tasks with a changed parallelization.

        • Consolidation tasks with an added or removed derivation path.

        If disabled, the generation of tasks ends with an error if tasks have been already executed.

        NOTE Any executed preselection as well as the collected data are lost if you reset the tasks.
    • Re-generate existing tasks: Deletes all generated preselection tasks and generates them again.

      NOTE Any executed preselection as well as the collected data are lost if you delete the tasks.


The toolbar provides the following functions:

  • Execute: Starts the generation of preselection tasks in dialog.

  • Execute in the background: Starts the generation of preselection tasks in the background.

  • Setup > Expert mode: Enables expert mode, in which all consistency checks are disabled. This is used only for content build purposes. Do not use this function in customer projects.