Execute and Monitor Transformation

Step type: Complex user interface.

Step description: This step provides the function to execute and monitor the transformation. Each table contains one line for each generated transformation task.

NOTE You can double-click an individual object in the ALV grid displayed after the execution to navigate to the respective object maintenance screen.

Detailed functions: The initial screen enables filtering according to:

  • Table name

  • Task status

  • Task type

After you click Execute, an ALV grid with the following columns appears:

NOTE The detailed functions are described below.
  • Status: Displays the status of the execution (same as listed on the initial screen).

  • Type: Displays the DTS task type.

  • Display cluster data: Displays the data stored in the DTS cluster. A selection screen similar to transaction SE16 code is shown. For more information, see the chapter Browsing Data Selected for a Conversion/Migration.

  • Table name: Displays the name of the processed table.

  • Log: Displays the application log of the execution.

  • History: Displays a list of historical executions in an ALV grid.

  • Partitions: Displays the N/M number. N is the number of processed partitions. M is the total number of available partitions for the task type. After clicking Partitions, an ALV grid with the individual partitions appears.

  • Goto execution code: Navigates to the generated ABAP program for the task.

  • Runtime: Displays information about the overall runtime (= end time – start time). For multiple partitions, the parallelization is considered. Also, time gaps are ignored.

  • Duration: Displays information about the task duration runtime in seconds. For multiple partitions, the sum of all partitions is shown.

  • Selected records: Number of records selected.

  • Inserted records: Number of records inserted.

  • Merged records: Number of records merged during the insert.

  • Deleted records: Number of records deleted.

  • Start date: Start date of the execution.

  • Start time: Start time of the execution.

  • End date: End date of the execution.

  • End time: End time of the execution.

The following functions are available in the application toolbar:

  • Refresh (F8): Updates the execution.

  • Schedule task(s) (Ctrl+F6): Sets the selected tasks to the status Scheduled (ready for execution). If you do not make a selection, all new tasks are set to Scheduled.

  • Reset task(s) (Ctrl+F7): Resets the selected tasks to the status New. For tables with partitioning, you are asked whether you want to resume or reset them.

    • Resume: Keeps all processed packages unchanged and resets only unfinished DTS packages within the DTS partitions chosen for reset.

    • Reset: Resets complete DTS partitions chosen for reset, i.e. correctly processed DTS packages will also be processed again.

    NOTE Resetting a task also resets all available subsequent tasks for the table. For example, resetting a read task also resets any available beam tasks and delete tasks as well as any conversion tasks. For the Migration scenario, resetting the insertion tasks might lead to duplicates of already processed records. Make sure that you consider the insertion mode and the table type.

    Execute task(s) (Ctrl+F8): Starts the execution of the scheduled tasks. Two pop-ups are displayed in the following order:

    1. 1. Option to restrict the execution:

      • Execute all tasks: Executes all scheduled tasks.

      • Execute tasks with filter:

        • Table name: Allows you to restrict the execution to the specified table(s).

        • Task type: Allows you to restrict the execution to a specific task type.

          NOTE If you do not define a restriction, the next tasks with the status New will be scheduled and executed.
    2. 2. Option to define the parameters of the background execution:

      • Short description: Label of the execution. The text should describe the scope of the execution, for example Top 10 tables.

        NOTE You can edit the numbers entered below later within the execution overview function by pressing Shift+F.
      • Number of background jobs: Maximum number of jobs that will be scheduled by DTS for this particular execution.

      • Jobs limits: Restricts the defined jobs to a maximum number of jobs for one table or for a specific task.

        EXAMPLE The top 10 tables have the parallel read setup enabled and are started in a total of 20 jobs, with a restriction to maximum 5 jobs per table. The scheduler will start processing 4 tables with 5 parallel jobs, each processing a different parallel read partition. Once this is complete, the next tasks from the top 10 are processed until no further tasks are available.
        NOTE If a subset of application servers is selected, the scheduler counts the percentage of free background work processes for each application server, and starts the job on the server with highest value.
      • Application server name: List of available application servers. The user can select or deselect the servers to be used for jobs.

  • Stop task(s) (Ctrl+F9): Stops the selected task for further processing.

  • Show statistics (Ctrl+F5): Shows the statistics. This summary is often used for progress reporting to the project management team. For delta execution monitoring, the function shows only displayed delta records.

  • Generate tasks: Opens a program for the task generation step.

  • Execution overview: Opens a separate window showing the overview of the executed jobs with connection details to the utilized processes overview similar to transaction SM50. The screen is split into two parts:

    NOTE The detailed functions are described below:
    • The upper area displays an ALV grid with all executions. The following columns are available:

      • Execution ID: DTS technical unique ID of the execution.

      • Short text: Label of the execution chosen by the user when starting the execution.

      • Status: Status of the particular execution. No status means that the execution is not active. It might be finished or waiting for an available task.

      • Filter: Button to show the filtering entered for the execution.

      • Adjust limits: Button to adjust the job limits for the execution. This allows you to easily increase or decrease the number of jobs or redistribute them among the different task types. The displayed screen is the same as the definition parameters screen for the job execution after the Execute task(s) function (see above).

      • Job limit detail: Overview of the currently set job limits for each parameter.

        NOTE The number of Job limit detail columns depends on the scenario.
      • Server name: Name of the application server to which the execution was restricted.

      • Created by: User who started the execution.

      • Created on: Date when the execution was started.

      • Created at: Time when the execution was started.

      • Changed by: User who changed the execution parameters.

      • Changed on: Date when the execution parameters were changed.

      • Changed at: Time when the execution parameters were changed.

    • The lower area provides monitoring of actively running jobs similar to SM50. The following columns are available:

      • Execution ID: DTS technical unique ID of the execution.

      • Job name: Name of the SAP background job that is visible in transaction SM37.

      • Job number: SAP background job number.

      • Debug: Button to jump to the ABAP debugger.

      • Type: Task type.

      • Table name: Currently processed table name.

      • Partition: Currently processed DTS partition.

      • Server name: Name of the SAP application server.

      • SM50 details: Details from transaction SM50.

    • The toolbar provides the following functions:

      • Refresh: Updates the data in the ALV grid.

      • Show running jobs: Navigates to transaction SM37.

      • Execute: Starts the program for the job execution.

      • Stop execution(s): Kills the jobs started by the selected execution IDs.

      • Delete execution(s): Deletes the selected execution IDs.

  • Task > Rebuild subtask part: Regenerates the partitions for the subtasks of the selected tasks in the ALV grid. The subtasks are all tasks generated by a read task based on the DTS package size and DTS partition size setup. Two options are available:

    • For all tasks/part: Regenerates all subtasks for all partitions.

    • For error tasks/part: Regenerates all subtasks for partitions that ended with an error.

  • Menu > Restore from cluster: Expert function that allows you to restore the processed table from the DTS cluster. The restore from cluster function has its own task type: U – Restore from cluster task. You can generate these tasks by clicking this button.

    WARNING Do not execute the restore from cluster function if the DTS transfer structure does not contain all fields of the table records, for example tables with the Use View option set in the step Maintain technical settings.