DTS Assignment Statuses
This chapter describes all potential assignment statuses and their behavior. The only statuses that are processed further are the statuses Success and Warning. The list below shows all the available statuses. Note that not all the statuses below are mentioned on all selection screens of the maintenance programs.
New: Status indicating an unchecked object.
Success: The assignment is technically consistent and ready for further processing.
Warning: The rule is assigned to a field that does not match the SAP DDIC definition of the DTS business object. This is most often the case when an ABAP rule is assigned to a field with a different length. A DTS rule assignment with a warning will be processed. A DTS business object assignment with a warning will not be processed.
Error: The assignment is technically inconsistent or comes from one of the selected content packages. Click Check assignment in the ALV grid toolbar (available in edit mode) to receive details of the inconsistency.
Ignore: The assignment was set to be ignored in further processing by a user. The comment field is automatically populated with the user and change date. You can set the status Ignore manually by clicking Toggle ignore status or Accept proposal in the ALV toolbar in the step Assign filtering rules and business objects or Assign conversion rules.
Ignore by rule: The assignment is assigned to a rule that was set to ignore. This status is visible only in the ALV grid. You can set the rule to be ignored in the step Maintain DTS objects.
NOTE On the initial selection screen, the status Ignore represents both statuses – Ignore by rule and Ignore. -
Proposal: Status of unclear assignments. This requires a user’s action. Tables with a single proposal status will not be processed at all. You can remove the status Proposal by choosing one or more of the proposed assignments.